Overnight shipping organized by Air Freight Service

Whenever an important shipment needs to be delivered on time, it will happen - no exceptions.

For more than a decade, the diligent team at Air Freight Service has had the pleasure of arranging next-day delivery for clients in virtually every industry imaginable. Organizing expedited delivery of important, time-sensitive shipments is our favorite job. It doesn't matter to us what needs to be delivered, how much cargo or where it needs to be delivered. When you pick up the phone and call us, you're sure to hear an energetic "Sounds great! When can the shipping company come and pick up the shipment?" By trusting us to organize all of your overnight freight shipments, you can absolutely be sure of one thing: all of your worries about whether your goods will get where they need to go, on time, will be fully satisfied, just as you'd expect.

Our freight broker’s overnight shipping procedure: Breaking it all down

All in all, our experienced and dedicated agents collectively have decades of experience in handling not only normal freight, but also emergencies.

Sometimes you have to work to the limit to make last-minute deliveries that can’t wait any longer.

Sometimes critical equipment may break down at a plant on the other side of the country, and then you need to get it there right away, before any unpleasant (not to mention costly) delays occur.

Again – it doesn’t really matter, as we strive to meet your needs and exceed your expectations when we have the opportunity.

Keep in mind that if your schedule is too tight or the travel distance is too long, don’t worry – you still have options. In some cases, part or even most of the way your shipment must travel by air. Over the years, we have developed close relationships with all the best air freight companies and know these routes like the back of our hand. If necessary, your agent will give your goods a free seat on the nearest flight and can even give you the option of booking an entire plane. We are happy to make any arrangements to ensure that the job is done properly.

air cargo

Dedicated agents providing support in more than one direction

One of the main problems that many people have when dealing with other logistics service providers is that they are constantly being connected to different representatives every time they call. This often becomes the cause of annoying repetitions or worse, misunderstandings at a time when you just can’t afford it.

At Air Freight Service, on the other hand, we pride ourselves on working a little differently. From the moment you pick up the phone and call us, you will have a personal agent. This employee will proudly be your single point of contact, available around the clock.

Not only that, your personal agent will actively monitor both your shipment and your relationship with our company. He or she will be in constant communication with you to keep you informed of the status of your shipment. They will also use the latest satellite tracking technology to “ride along” with your overnight shipment. If anything out of the ordinary is detected – such as unforeseen road work or a winter storm that could cause a delay – the trucking company will reroute your shipment to reduce the risk of such situations occurring.

Even if some of the shipment has to be airlifted, your agent will find a trucking company that will send a driver to you to get the shipment to the airport safely. When the plane lands, the freight company will already be at the destination airport to move your belongings the rest of the way.

As soon as you get a chance to let us know about your shipment, we’ll immediately begin working out the perfect way to get your belongings into the hands of those who need them most as quickly as possible. Honestly, we’ll probably start working out a plan of action before you even get to hang up the phone!

The agent who takes your first call and offers you a price for your services will also keep you regularly updated on the progress of your shipment. The main problem with a lot of other overnight shipping companies is that they simply don’t pay enough attention to keeping their customers informed. Sure, your shipment may have arrived where it needs to go, on time – but you’re still worried and wondering

Because WE know where your shipment is at all times, YOU know where your shipment is at all times, too. At any given time, you’ll know exactly how much distance they’ve traveled and, more importantly, how much time will pass before they arrive at their final destination. Typically, the peace of mind that comes with this more than pays off for most customers.

Our solutions

At Air Freight Service we are well aware that no two shipments are exactly alike. If you are shipping a very special product with very specific shipping requirements, you don’t want to be in a situation where you have to leave something to chance. But fortunately, that’s not the case.

We'll provide the following types of transportation for both expedited and previously scheduled shipments:

  • Air Charter
  • Air Cargo
  • Ground Expedite
  • Sprinter Vans
  • Straight Trucks
  • Full Truckloads
  • And much, much more.

This, of course, combined with a variety of air transportation options, which we also arrange with an air carrier, including:

  • Short-haul light jets. These are smaller ships than, for example, the 747, but are ideal for getting to places that larger planes simply can’t get to. If the destination has a short landing strip (or if there is no landing strip at all), this would be ideal.
  • Medium-haul, medium-weight planes. For large cargo (or for cargo with tight schedules or especially long-range destinations), planes in this category are more than capable of getting the job done.
  • Long-haul, heavyweight aircraft. These models can carry the largest volumes of cargo, both in weight and distance. They also have the ability to fly a greater distance in a single flight than any other type of aircraft, making them optimal for long-haul work.

Again, remember that even if you don’t have enough room on your next flight, we will provide you with a rental of your own aircraft.

If this all sounds too complicated, don’t worry – in reality, it’s a lot easier than you think. Your personal agent will tell you all of this in detail during your first call, providing information about your cargo to help you find exactly the option you need, no matter what.

Your friends at Air Freight Service are just one phone call away

Airfreight ServicesWe know all too well how difficult (not to mention impossible) it can be to try to arrange overnight trucking on your own. But with our reliable staff using all of our experience to your advantage, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

At the end of the day, we’re extremely proud of the overnight shipping services we’ve worked hard and perfected over the years, but we also realize that they’re just one small part of a much bigger picture.

Combined with arranging for your freight to be delivered according to your plan and on your terms, we strive to provide you with a true experience in every sense of the word. We strive to make the overnight shipping procedure as easy as you’ve always wanted it to be, and one that you can’t find anywhere else.

We also strive to be a true partner to your organization in every sense of the word – a partner who is just as interested in your success as you are. It’s that level of responsibility, commitment and attention to detail that really sets us apart from many other companies in the industry in the best possible way.

So if you have additional questions about our freight broker overnight services and what they provide customers like you, or if you’d like to schedule your next delivery so that your goods can be delivered immediately without delay, contact Air Freight Service today.


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Call (646) 453 6450
